PC Photo Arts
For your: Business, office, home, life.
Photo Arts
What do I mean by Photo Arts? Thought you’d never ask. After decades in Photography I started expanding into other creative methods more indulgently. I’ve created an appetite for using Resin both in casting and in encasing. Painting has been the biggest surprise for me, as I resisted any painting coursework through college aside from the airbrushing course I took and loved. Creating, with photography, woodworking, resin, and paint helps center me and ultimately to provide the world, hopefully, with something to make it a little better.

Has been the focus of my creative side literally for decades. It’s where I focused my studies in high school, college, and ultimately career.

Resin Art
Casting resin, encasing with resin, and more.

I’ve been developing a unique collection of paintings that in many cases present a different visual expression depending on the light source used on it. There are the visible light paints that show the most obvious, there are UV paints which show under UV or black light exposure, and there are paints which glow afterward separate of the other two. Not every painting, but many paintings, combine two or three of these paints in staggered form to present a visual experience based on what you want to have the image express to you at that moment.